Unit 1 Computer Systems

Lesson 1 Elements of a computer system

Learning Objectives:
  • Understand that a computer system consists of hardware, software, data and often, communications technology
  • Understand that the basic elements of a computer system are input, processing, storage and output
  • Understand that a computer system may have one user or thousands of users, each performing different tasks

Textbook Ref:
  • computer system, definition 94

Lesson 2 Computer systems in the modern world

Learning Objectives:
  • Learn about the role of computers in today’s society
  • Consider the influence of computers on your life
  • Understand how computer technology affects everyone in modern society

Textbook Ref:

  • computing solutions:
  • effectiveness 211
  • medicine 211–212
  • shopping 212–213
  • social networking 213–214

Lesson 3 Ethical, environmental and legal consideratins

Learning Objectives:
  • Learn about the laws relating to the use of computers and the implications for computer systems design and use
  • Understand the need to recycle old computer equipment and the benefits of doing so
  • Understand the meaning of “computer ethics”