Specification Reference
- be able to describe and explain the fundamental pieces of hardware required to make a functioning computer system
- be able to discuss how developments in different hardware technologies (including memory and processor) are leading to exciting innovative products being created, e.g. in the mobile and gaming industries
- be able to categorise devices as input or output depending on their function
Supporting Resources
What IS a Computer?
Learning Cycle Objectives:
- To know that computers are embedded in many devices
- To understand the Input > Processing > Storage > Output computer model
Inside the Black Box
Learning Cycle Objectives:
- To know the names of components inside a desktop computer
- To understand the basic function of the most important computer components
The Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Learning Cycle Objectives:
- To understand the importance of the CPU in a computer system
- To know about computer instructions and the Fetch/Execute Cycle
Learning Cycle Objectives:
- Understand the difference between volatile (RAM) and non-volatile memory (ROM)
- Be able to explain the purpose of cache memory and virtual memory
Secondary Storage
Learning Cycle Objectives:
- Understand the purpose of secondary storage in a computer system
- Know the difference between optical, magnetic & solid-state storage
- Be able to choose an appropriate storage medium/device for a given purpose